消費爭議處理流程參考 | 無 |
相關機構名稱 | Fair Trade Group (FTG), Department of Trade and Industry |
地址 | 2F Trade and Industry Building, 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., 1200 Makati City, Philippines |
電話 | (+632)7791-3100/(+632)7751-0384 |
網址 | 無 |
電郵信箱 | ask@dti.gov.ph |
性別暴力相關案件處理流程參考 | 為消除及防範各種暴力侵害婦女及其子女之行為,隸屬「菲律賓婦女委員會」(Philippine Commission on Women)之「防止暴力侵害婦女及其子女跨部會委員會」(Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and their Children)設有通報及求助專線等管道,提供受害者求助救援及服務資訊。 |
相關機構名稱 | Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and their Children, Philippine Commission on Women |
地址 | 1145 J. P. Laurel Street Malacañan Palace Complex, San Miguel, Manila 1005, Philippines |
電話 | +63-2-8735-1654分機122、+63-917-867-1907、+63-945-455-8121 |
網址 | https://pcw.gov.ph/inter-agency-council-on-violence-against-women-and-their-children/ |
電郵信箱 | iacvawc@pcw.gov.ph |