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Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China(Taiwan)


Privacy Protection and Information Security Policies

  • Created:2023-02-22
  • Data Source:Bureau Of Consular Affairs
  • Counter:4484

Privacy Protection and Information Security Policies for the Website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs

Dear friend,

Welcome to the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA). In order to help you gain a better understanding of BOCA’s privacy protection and information security policies, please read the following carefully so as to protect your rights when accessing BOCA’s services and information.

Privacy Protection Policy

To customize its services, BOCA embeds a cookie in your browser.

  1. Scope of Application
    The following privacy policies, which apply once you enter BOCA’s website, govern BOCA’s collection, use and protection of your personal data. Please note that the said policies no longer apply when you leave the website and connect to a different one linked to our own.
    BOCA cannot guarantee your privacy on a linked website, as the protection of your personal data on a linked website is, after all, the responsibility of that website.
  2. Collection and use of personal data
    1. BOCA will not collect the personal data of the users browsing or downloading files from its website.
    2. This website only records your IP address, times logged in/ off, and content browsed.
    3. To improve BOCA’s online services, this website may request that you provide personal data when using certain services, such as the “contact us” mailbox (whether the Chinese or English version).
    4. BOCA’s website will not sell or provide any of your data to other organizations, individuals or private enterprises, with the following exceptions: (1) for legal investigations by law enforcement agencies; and (2) for investigations or use by other governmental authorities when needed to perform their official duties.
    5. The data recorded (your IP address, times logged in/out and content browsed) is used by BOCA for the quantitative analyses of the traffic volume and user behavior, which are needed to improve the overall quality of the website.
  3. Information Protection
    As BOCA uses a firewall, anti-virus software and other measures to secure its website and your personal data, only authorized personnel can access your personal data.
    All personal data transmitted by BOCA’s website is encrypted to prevent it from being accessed and stolen by a third party.
  4. Cookie Use Policy
    1. The cookies, which are embedded when you register with or enter BOCA’s website, are updated each time you visit.
    2. BOCA uses its knowledge of the number of browsers and user behavior to improve its online services.
    To block the cookies, you may set higher the privacy settings in your browser (under the Tools column). Please note that this measure might hamper or block some functions of BOCA’s website.
  5. Revision of the Privacy Protection Policy
    BOCA will revise this policy from time to time so as to keep pace with the most up-to-date privacy protection standards. Should the policy undergo a major change, an announcement so stating will be posted on the website for your reference.
  6. Privacy and Information Safety Protection Policy Counseling
    If you have any questions regarding BOCA’s privacy protection policy, please feel free to contact BOCA at any time.

Information Security Policy

Behavior that seeks to damage the credibility, integrity and availability of BOCA’s website is strictly prohibited and could be subject to legal action. To ensure the security of and access to BOCA’s website for all users, BOCA has adopted the following safety measures: 

  1. Constructed a firewall that restricts the use of specific communication ports so as to prevent breaches and keep the website from being used for illegal purposes; 
  2. Adopted a system for monitoring and controlling the traffic flow so as to block malicious behavior;
  3. Installed vulnerability scanning software to find weak points in BOCA’s network so that they can be strengthened;
  4. Conducts hacker simulations periodically to test the system’s reactions and reporting procedures when security is breached so as to better maintain the stability of the system; and
  5. Backs up files daily to preserve the server’s database.
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