CECC announces adjustments to regulations for foreign nationals entering Taiwan beginning January 1, 2021, in response to continued spread of COVID-19 pandemic
- Created:2020-12-31
- Data Source:Bureau Of Consular Affairs
- Counter:7703
Given the continued severity of COVID-19 worldwide and in order to secure domestic antipandemic efforts and ensure public health, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announces that beginning January 1, 2021, at 00:00 (local time at the airport of departure), entry restrictions and quarantine regulations for foreign nationals will be tightened. Foreign nationals meeting the criteria below will be allowed entry:
1. Alien Resident Certificate holders;
2. personnel on diplomatic or official business, persons who can prove they are fulfilling commercial and contractual obligations, or persons admitted for special humanitarian reasons;
3. spouses and minor children of R.O.C. nationals or Alien Resident Certificate holders;
4. other persons requiring special permission.
The aforementioned persons requiring special permission refer to those who have received approval from R.O.C. central competent authorities or agencies, such as white-collar workers, migrant workers, and foreign students.
In addition, foreign nationals who obtained special entry permits on or before December 30, 2020, from R.O.C. overseas missions will still be allowed entry.
Beginning January 15, 2021, at 00:00, apart from the original requirement of providing a COVID-19 RT-PCR test report issued within three days of boarding, arriving travelers must also provide proof of the location of their intended quarantine. In principle, travelers should quarantine at a group quarantine facility or quarantine hotel; those who choose to quarantine at home must sign an affidavit declaring they have met the requirement of one person per residence. The CECC will further adjust entry restrictions and quarantine regulations in response to global pandemic developments and the effectiveness of antipandemic measures. (E)