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Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China(Taiwan)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) expresses deep gratitude for the European Parliament’s staunch support for the signing of an EU-Taiwan economic cooperation agreement and Taiwan''s meaningful participation as an observer in relevant international organisations and activities, such as UNFCCC, WHO and ICAO.

  • Created:2011-05-18
  • Data Source:Bureau Of Consular Affairs
  • Counter:2367

No. 146 
May 17, 2011

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) expresses deep gratitude for the European Parliament’s staunch support for the signing of an EU-Taiwan economic cooperation agreement and Taiwan''s meaningful participation as an observer in relevant international organisations and activities, such as UNFCCC, WHO and ICAO.

On May 11, 2011, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution on the main aspects and basic choices of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Item 79 of the resolution points out that the EP “strongly supports the enhancement of EU-Taiwan economic ties and the signing of an EU-Taiwan economic cooperation agreement; reiterates its support for Taiwan''s meaningful participation as an observer in relevant international organisations and activities, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) expresses deep gratitude for the EP’s staunch support. It also calls on the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and all European Union (EU) member states to take concrete steps to further endorse Taiwan’s meaningful participation in relevant international organizations and to facilitate the signing of a Taiwan-EU economic cooperation agreement.

Item 79 of the resolution in its entirety reads as follows: “[The EP] welcomes the steps taken by the parties on both sides of the Taiwan Strait which resulted in the signing of some 15 agreements, including the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) and an agreement on intellectual property rights, in June 2010; given that the expansion of cross-strait economic relations is in the interest of both sides and of the EU, strongly supports the enhancement of EU-Taiwan economic ties and the signing of an EU-Taiwan economic cooperation agreement; reiterates its support for Taiwan''s meaningful participation as an observer in relevant international organisations and activities, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO); commends the EU''s decision to grant a visa exemption to Taiwan citizens, which will contribute towards strengthening trade and investment relations between the EU and Taiwan as well as people-to-people contacts.”

The EP passed the above-mentioned resolution reiterating its continued support for Taiwan’s participation in the UNFCCC, the WHO and the ICAO, following the adoption of the resolution of March 10, 2010 officially backing Taiwan’s meaningful participation as an observer in relevant international organizations and activities. This also marks the first time that the EP has adopted a resolution clearly advocating the signing of a Taiwan-EU economic cooperation agreement, thereby reflecting the EP’s longstanding affirmation and support for Taiwan. 

Currently, the EU is Taiwan’s 4th largest trade partner and the largest source of foreign direct investment, while Taiwan is the EU’s 14th largest trade partner. Last year Taiwan-EU bilateral trade increased to US$48.6 billion, a growth of 31% over the previous year. Bilateral trade for the first quarter of this year has already reached US$13.3 billion, an increase of 19% over the same period last year, with trade continuing to enjoy steady growth. Since the ECFA between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait entered into force last January, cross-strait economic and trade relations have rapidly expanded. The EP, which represents the EU’s 500 million people, seeks to strengthen Taiwan-EU economic and trade cooperation as well as take advantage of the economic outlook as a result of the ECFA. For this reason, it passed this resolution, which calls for the signing of a EU-Taiwan economic cooperation agreement. 

On behalf of the government and people of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs appreciates and welcomes the passage of the above-mentioned resolution by the EP. The Ministry has instructed the Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium to contact relevant EU authorities to solicit their assistance, based on this resolution, in making arrangements for our participation in the World Health Assembly and the International Health Regulations. (E)

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