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Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China(Taiwan)


Delegation of European Parliament Staffers to visit Taiwan(53504)

  • Created:2011-07-23
  • Data Source:Bureau Of Consular Affairs
  • Counter:2612

At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan), a 12-member staff delegation from the European Parliament will visit Taiwan from July 24 to July 28, 2011. All but the head of the delegation, Mr. Michael Hahn, are coming for the first time. The delegation, consisting of staffers to various Members of the European Parliament, also includes Maria D’Amico, Eli Hadzhieva, Aoife Kearney, Jan Wisswaesser, Elise Van Doorn, Grigor Asenov, Veronika Jankovicova, Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Anton Pentek, Sean De Burca and Friedrich W. von Trott.
The delegation will call on Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Lyushun Shen, who will host a banquet in their honor, and call at the Legislative Yuan, the Mainland Affairs Council, the Bureau of Foreign Trade, the Kuomintang Party and the Democratic Progressive Party. They will also visit the European Economic and Trade Office, the European Chamber of Commerce Taipei, the Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu Science Park, National Tsinghua University, the National Palace Museum, Taipei 101 and Taroko National Park. 
The trip will provide the members of the delegation with a better understanding of political and economic developments in Taiwan, as well as cross-strait relations.(E)

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