A multi-party delegation of Spanish parliamentarians visits the Republic of China (Taiwan)
- Created:2011-08-10
- Data Source:Bureau Of Consular Affairs
- Counter:3106
No. 251
At the invitation of the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), a multi-party delegation of Spanish parliamentarians will visit Taiwan on August 8-12, 2011. The delegation will consist of five members: MP Jordi Xucla i Costa, MP Ana Maria Chacon Carretero, Senator Maria Jesus Castro Mateos, Senator Corali Cunyat Badosa and Regional MP Gerard M. Figueras i Alba.
The delegation will call on Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Thomas Ping-fu Hou, Vice Minister of Mainland Affairs Chien-min Chao and President of the Taiwan-Spain Parliamentary Friendship Association Yu-fang Lin. To welcome the delegation, Vice Minister Hou and President Lin will each host a luncheon in their honor. In addition, the members will call at the Government Information Office. Excursions to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, National Palace Museum, Taipei 101, Taiwan Handicraft Promotion Center, Shilin Night Market and other sites have been arranged for the delegation.
This will be the second time for MP Xucla i Costa to visit Taiwan, and the first time for the rest of the delegation. This trip aims to give the delegation a better understanding of Taiwan’s most recent political and economic developments, which in turn should help promote the substantive relations and parliamentary cooperation between Taiwan and Spain.(E)