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Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China(Taiwan)


Six-member delegation from the European Parliament visits Taiwan

  • Created:2011-10-14
  • Data Source:Bureau Of Consular Affairs
  • Counter:2636

October 07, 2011

At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan), a six-member delegation from the EPP Members of the Committee on International Trade (INTA) of the European Parliament, led by Daniel Caspary, EPP Group Coordinator in the INTA, visits Taiwan from October 6 to October 8, 2011. The delegation also includes: Pawel Zalewski, MEP and Vice Chair of the INTA Committee; Christofer Fjellner, MEP; Franck Proust, MEP; Cristian Dan Preda, MEP; and Mr. Botond Torok-Illyes.

The delegation has an audience with President Ma Ying-jeou, calls on President of the Legislative Yuan Wang Jin-pyng, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Lyushun Shen, Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Francis Kuo-Hsin Liang, Head of the European Trade and Economic Office, Frederic Laplanche, and calls at the European Chamber of Commerce Taipei. They also travel south to the Chimei Museum and Kaohsiung Port. In addition, the delegation has a meeting with industry and trade representatives to discuss a Taiwan-EU Economic Cooperation Agreement.

Except for Mr. Daniel Caspary, this is the first time the delegation members to visit Taiwan. Being here gives them a better understanding of Taiwan’s most recent political and economic developments. (E)

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