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Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China(Taiwan)


Africa Area

  • Created:2017-09-21
  • Data Source:Bureau Of Consular Affairs
  • Counter:6612
Africa Area
Embassies and Missions Abroad Consular District  
Taipei Liaison Office in the Republic of South Africa Pretoria、Gauteng、North Province、North-West Province、KwaZulu-Natal、Mpumalanga、Free State,also cover Mauritius、Madagascar、Seychelles、Comoros、Kenya、Uganda、Malawi、Tanzania、Zambia、Somalia、Rwanda、Burundi、Eritrea、Angola、Zimbabwe、Botswana、Lesotho。  
Taipei Liaison Office in Cape Town Northern Cape、Western Cape、Eastern Cape,also cover Namibia。  
Taipei Trade Office in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Nigeria,also cover Cameroon、Benin、Ghana、Gambia、Liberia、Sierra Leone、Burkina Faso、Cote d'Ivoire、Benin。  
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Kingdom of Eswatini Kingdom of Eswatini(Swaziland),also cover Mozambique。  
Taiwan Representative Office in the Republic of Somaliland Somaliland,also cover Ethiopia、Djibouti、Kenya、Uganda。  
Bureau de Représentation de Taipei en Côte d'Ivoire (BRTCI) No Consular service, plase contact Taipei Trade Office in the Federal Republic of Nigeria or Bureau de Representative de Taipei en France  
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